Half-Life Advanced Effects

VAC warning: The HLAE tool is technically a hack, therefore you should only use it for making gaming videos or watching demos. Joining VAC protected servers with HLAE will probably get you VAC banned.
Epilepsy warning: This software will cause fast-changing images and colors on your screen.

Current release, compatible with latest Steam version:
HLAE 2.180.0 (2025-03-03T20:00Z) (old versions) (logo)

Last release with AfxHookGoldSrc and related tools compatible with Steam version "steam_legacy - Pre-25th Anniversary Build" (unsupported):
HLAE 2.153.1 (2024-01-05T19:45Z)

Last release with AfxHookGoldSrc and related tools compatible with Steam version before 10th of July 2017 (unsupported):
HLAE 2.34.5 (2017-07-08T14:48Z)

Release compatible with Steam version from July 2009 (unsupported):
HLAE (2013-02-09T14:16Z)

Half-Life Advanced Effects


System requirements:

- Microsoft Windows 10 or newer
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 or newer
- Genuine Steam version
- a lot of patience


Using Steam's offline mode you can avoid retrieving updates that break HLAE during video production.


Newer changelog entries are replicated on the releases page here.

Further changelog entries can be found in the changelog XML files included in the download.


Tools - HLAE Camera IO

To be used with mirv_camio / mirv_streams record cam.
These plugins and scripts assist you with importing HLAE camera motion data in various 3D applications or exporting to HLAE again.

After Effects Import Script: HLAE CamIO To AE by xNWP

Blender Plugins: afx-blender-scripts

Cinema4D Import Script: HLAE CamIO To Cinema4D by xNWP
Cinema4D Export Script: Cinema4D Camera To HLAE CamIO by xNWP

Tools - HLAE Camera Motion Data (old)

These plugins and scripts assist you with importing HLAE camera motion data in various 3D applications or exporting to HLAE again.

3DsMax Import Plugin HLAE Cam Importer 1.0.4
3DsMax Export Plugin HLAE Cam Exporter 1.0.0
Documentation: HLAE Cam Importer Wiki
System requirements: HLAE or newer, 3dsMax 5.x(?7.x / 2008?) or newer.
Author: msthavoc

After Effects Import Script: hlaebvh2AECam1.5
After Effects
Export Script: AECam2hlaebvh1.0
Documentation: Video Tutorials
Author: msthavoc

Blender Plugins: afx-blender-scripts

Cinema 4D Import Plugin: hlcam2c4d 1.4
Cinema 4D Export Plugin: c4d2hlcam 1.0
Documentation: HLAE Cam 2 Cinema 4D Wiki
System requirements: HLAE or newer, Cinema 4D R9.5 or newer
Author: msthavoc

Source FilmMaker Plugins: afx-sfm-scripts

Writing your own plugin:
The HLAE .bvh format is very similar to but currently not compatible with the BioVision (BVH) format, the only difference is that HLAE rotation order is XYZ while BVH would require ZXY.

Tools - Other

Other plugins and scripts to make your life easier.



  • AGR-Cleanup-Tool by xNWP
    Aids in cleaning up Advanced Effects Game Recording (AGR) Files.

  • Cinema-4D-Source-Tools by xNWP
    Cinema 4D Plugin for importing, exporting, and manipulating filetypes created by Valve Corporation's Source Engine.

  • Crafty Material Fix 0.2 (older versions: 0.1)
    About: Automates fixing material and texture links for maps exported by Crafty.
    Documentation: Video Tutorial
    Author: msthavoc

  • HLAELiveLink by xNWP
    Allows for the control of the camera in Source Games supported by Half-Life Advanced Effects mirv_pgl function via Cinema 4D.

Source FilmMaker:


  • HLAE-Server by xNWP
    Managed CLR Library for controlling Half-Life Advanced Effects via the mirv_pgl function.

  • SourceModelFixer by xNWP
    Deletes corrupt .vtx files from Source games e.g. CS:GO.